Having elements of Zoroastrianism, Islam, Gnostic Christianity, Judaism, and
Native Tribal beliefs,
the Yazidi, or “Dasin” as they call
have a unique and complicated belief System.
The Religious books of the Yazidi are the Book of Revelation and the Black Book, through which their combination of philosophies are demonstrated.
Prayer according to the Yazidi must be performed away from non-Yazidis,
twice a day, and facing the Sun.
Prayer is dedicated to Malak Ta’us, and
they consider Saturday(the Jewish Sabbath) to also be a day of rest, but
hold Wednesday as their central Holy Day.
In December a three day fast
is performed.
Among other hidden rituals that are still concealed from non-Yazidi, they
hold an annual pilgrimage to the tomb of Shaykh Adii, north of Mosul in Iraq,
through 6 days in the latter part of August.
This particular Pilgrimage is
the most important ritual of their Faith.
Key to this celebration is the
bathing in the river, and the washing of figures of Malak Ta’us,
lighting of hundreds of oil lamps at the tomb of Shaykh Adii and other
offering special foods and the cooking of a sacrificed Ox as well
as ecstatic songs, and dances performed by the priests.
baptism is also performed by a Shaykh, and circumcision of the foreskin is
soon followed, but is not mandated.
Upon death the body is buried
immediately with their hands crossed, facing the east.
Conversion to the
Yazidi faith is possible, however, due to the certain laws in Islamic countries, conversions to non-Islamic religions are forbidden, thus to secure their community, the Yazidi adapted the new restrictions by forbidding conversions all together.
In the Past conversions to the Yazidi faith were common place.